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By William Dunnivant, Regal’s Agronomist & Turfgrass Geek

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To flourish, turfgrass needs soil that is rich in essential macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients—nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium—are needed in fairly large amounts for plants to thrive, and each plays a critical role in creating a beautiful and vibrant landscape:

  • Nitrogen: A key component in producing chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their vibrant green color. Grasses and plants require high levels of nitrogen to grow. Without it, root systems will weaken, resulting in slow, patchy growth.
  • Phosphorous: A major player in photosynthesis and the transfer of energy from one part of a plant to the other. Low levels of phosphorus result in weak root systems, and a once-luscious golf course develops a dull, yellowish cast.
  • Potassium: Plays a critical role in the regulation of water in plants. Typical signs of potassium deficiency in grasses and plants include a scorched appear­ance and curling leaf tips.

Micronutrients—manganese, iron, copper, boron, and zinc, to name a few—are also needed for healthy plant growth, but in smaller quantities. Micronutrients assist in the formation of chlorophyll in plants, play a role in balanced nutrition, and are essential for root development.

Many of these nutrients are already present in your soil, but not all. A high-quality, balanced fertilizer program can give turfgrass the nutrient boost it needs. At Regal, you have lots of fertiliz­er options, so it is a good idea to use a soil test to help pinpoint what’s lacking.

For more information on the best program for your course, talk to your Regal Territory Representative.