
Showing 97–108 of 225 results

  • Muriate Of Potash MOP (0-0-60)

    High analysis granular potassium fertilizer. Granular

  • Muscle®

    Benefits overall plant health and aids in quick recovery from stresses including disease, sunlight/shade issues, vertical mowing, top-dressing aerification, drought, and poor drainage. Liquid

  • Nature Safe® 8-3-5 Super Fine

    This organic fertilizer is made with feather meal, meat and bone meal, blood meal, and langbeinite. You can expect to see results in 7 to 10 days and nitrogen release for seven to eight weeks.

  • Obtego®

    A ORMI listed fungicide and plant symbiont serves as a multi-functional tool for growers by protecting the plant from damaging soil-borne pathogens and enhancing root growth. WDG

  • Octane®

    A nonselective contact herbicide for broadleaf weed control and for control of Silvery Thread Moss for use in nurseries and ornamental plantings; sod farms: Christmas trees: and established ornamental turf. Liquid

  • Orkestra™

    Used mid-production, Orkestra Intrinsic brand fungicide provides fast, long-acting control of foliar and soilborne diseases in nursery and greenhouse operations. Liquid

  • Ornamec® Over-The-Top

    Selective post-emergent grass herbicide for landscape beds, ground covers and ornamental plantings. Can be applied over the top of broadleaf plants. Liquid

  • Oxadiazon SC

    Pre-emergent control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in turf, conifer nurseries, and ornamentals including landscape ornamental beds on residential properties. Liquid

  • OxyStar® 2E

    A selective herbicide used for pre- and post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds. Liquid

  • Pac O

    Extremely active plant growth regulator that can significantly curtail unwanted plant growth through reduced internode elongation. Liquid

  • Pageant®

    Pageant Intrinsic brand fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide combining two fast-acting active ingredients, boscalid and pyraclostrobin, into one product that offers more control on more diseases than any other currently registered fungicide for nurseries and landscapes. WDG

  • Pendulum® AquaCap

    Pendulum AquaCap herbicide offers preemergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in a liquid formulation, including crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass, fall panicum, chickweed, henbit, knotweed, spurge and others. Liquid