Kerb® SC T&O
Showing 85–96 of 225 results
Pre- and early post-emergence herbicide for use on turf grown for sod, nonresidential sites, golf course, industrial and office building sites, stadium fields or professional athletic fields, woody ornamentals, nursery stock of ornamentals, and Christmas trees. Liquid
Komen aquatic herbicided is ideal for quick, targeted control of nuisance submerged and floating aquatic weeds. Komen's unique chemistry can also effectively control copper-sensitive algae in treated water bodies. Liquid
Lasar (Dimension ®) 0.25% 22-0-11 50% BlueChip
Formulated to apply 0.50 lbs. A.I. Dimension® at a 200 lb./Acre spread rate. BlueChip driven blend with enough Urea for quick greening and growth. Formulated to be applied at 200 lb./Acre and supply 1.0 lb. N and 0.5 lb. K in instances where a soil test shows that K will become a limiting factor affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular
Lime Micro Pellet
Micro-pelletized Lime. Granular
Lime Pro Select
Pelletized Lime. Granular
For use in a balanced fertility program for turf, landscapes and nursery crops that require calcium. Liquid
A selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in non-residential turf, ornamental plantings, landscapes, and nurseries. Liquid
Mainspring GNL
Protects against key chewing and sucking pests, such as thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars, leafminers, leaf-feeding beetles, soft scales and lacebugs. Liquid
Manzate® Max T&O
Manzate T&O Fungicide provides multi-site, broad-spectrum disease control for superior control of key diseases in turfgrass, sod farms, and ornamentals. Granular
Manzate® Prostick T&O
Manzate T&O Fungicide provides multi-site, broad-spectrum disease control for superior control of key diseases in turfgrass, sod farms, and ornamentals. WDG
Mefenoxam 2 AQ
Systemic fungicide for use on turfgrass and ornamentals effective control of Pythium blight, Phytophthora root rot, yellow tuft, downy mildew and damping off. Liquid
Controls perennial grasses and labeled broadleaf weeds in most warm- and some cool-season turfgrasses. Liquid