
Showing 49–60 of 225 results

  • DiAqua® PS

    Non-ionic surfactant specifically designed for tree trunk applications to ensure uniform distribution and absorption of tank mix partners. Liquid

  • Dicamba

    For control of listed weeds in labeled areas including turf. Liquid

  • Dimension® 2EW

    For pre-emergent control of listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in labeled turf and ornamental settings. Also provides early post-emergent control of crabgrass. Liquid

  • DiPel® Pro DF

    Biological insecticide for control of labeled pests in both field and greenhouse as well as in self-contained, closed system, ornamental ponds. Dry Flowable

  • Diquat

    Non-selective herbicide to control weeds in commercial greenhouses and nurseries, landscape, industrial, recreational, commercial, residential, and public areas; turf renovation; dormant established turfgrass; and aquatic areas. Liquid

  • Discus® L

    Discus L Insecticide is a versatile, broad-spectrum product that is safe on virtually all plant material and offers control of a wide range of insects. Liquid

  • Dismiss

    For selective weed control, including sedges in residential and institutional lawns, athletic fields, commercial sod farms, golf course fairways, and roughs. Also for use as selective weed control in container and field-grown ornamentals. Liquid

  • DuraFlex ZC

    For prevention and control of pests in and around structures including fleas, flies, ants, mosquitoes, ticks, cockroaches, stored product pests and others. To control listed pests on lawns, turfgrass, ornamental trees, ornamental grasses and shrubs around residential, institional, public, commercial, agricultural and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas, golf course out of play areas (including native planting areas, around club houses, out buildings and on-course lavatories), athletic fields and greenhouses. For both indoor and outdoor use. Liquid

  • DY'ON® - Black

    Deep black pond/lake dye.

  • DY'ON® - Blue

    Temporary spray indicator dye. Also used to temporarily color lakes and ponds.

  • DY'ON® - Green

    Temporary spray indicator dye.

  • Endurant® Mulch Colorant

    Concentrated liquid pigment to instantly and inexpensively enhance mulch and pinestraw in the landscape setting. Liquid