
Showing 13–24 of 225 results

  • Acephate 90

    Contact insecticide for controlling mole crickets, fire ants, aphids, worms and many other pests in turf and ornamentals. WDG

  • Actuate™ SC

    Apply Actuate™ SC for immediate, long-lasting control of mites on ornamental plants in greenhouses, shadehouses, nurseries, landscape and interior scapes. Actuate SC provides two modes of action, on-contact and long residual control that lasts for up to 28 days. Liquid

  • Adept®

    Adept Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) is an effective tool for controlling fungus gnats, shore flies, and foliar feeding pests found in ornamental crops grown in greenhouses, shade houses, and interiorscapes.

  • Akari®

    For use on greenhouse and nursery ornamentals, greenhouse cucumbers, greenhouse tomatoes, nonbearing fruit trees and vines, Christmas trees, and interior ornamental plantings and plantscapes. Liquid

  • Altercel™

    Altercel may be used on any crop in the greenhouse or nursery including but not limited to, poinsettias, hibiscus, azaleas, and geraniums to reduce stem elongation, induce early flowering, improve flowering, and to produce compact plants with multiple buds per shoots. Liquid

  • Amine, 2,4-D

    2, 4-D Amine selective broadleaf herbicide. Labeled for aquatic weed control. Liquid

  • Aria®

    For control of phytophagous pests in greenhouses, nurseries and landscapes. Granular

  • Atrimmec®

    A systemic plant growth regulator that when applied to shrubs, hedges, trees, and groundcovers, it reduces trimming and pruning labor, and can improve the appearance of landscape ornamentals. Liquid

  • Avelyo®

    Avelyo fungicide is a next-generation DMI fungicide that delivers broad-spectrum control of foliar, crown and root diseases with exceptional plant safety. Liquid

  • Banner Maxx II

    Banner Maxx II controls dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, gray snow mold and more. Liquid

  • Banol®

    Fungicide for control of Pythium and Phytophthora. Liquid

  • Barricade 4FL

    Barricade 4FL herbicide controls susceptible weeds by preventing growth and development of newly germinated weeds. Liquid