RegalGrow™ Solugreen™ 20-10-20
Showing 157–168 of 225 results
High ratio of nitrate to ammoniacal nitrogen that is a well-suited formula for plant beds and soil-less media.
RegalGrow™ Solugreen™ 20-20-20
Balanced high analysis formula for use on a wide variety of turf and landscape applications.
RegalGrow™ Solugreen™ 25-5-20
Specifically formulated for the nutritional needs of Bermudagrass, especially Bermudagrass greens.
RegalGrow™ Solugreen™ 28-8-18
Specifically formulated for the nutritional needs of Bentgrass, especially Bentgrass greens.
RegalKade® 0.5 0-0-7
Formulated to apply 1.0 lbs. A.I. Prodiamine at a 200 lb./Acre spread rate. Incremental Potassium for instances where soil tests indicate K may become a limiting factor affecting turfgrass quality. Granular
RegalKade® 0.5 22-0-11 75% BlueChip™
Formulated to apply 1.0 lbs. A.I. Prodiamine at a 200 lb./Acre spread rate. BlueChip driven blend with enough Urea for quick greening and growth. Formulated to be applied at 200 lb./Acre and supply 1.0 lb. N and 0.5 lb. K in instances where a soil test shows that K will become a limiting factor affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular
RegalKade® 0.5 8-0-24
Formulated to apply 1.0 lbs. A.I. Prodiamine at a 200 lb./Acre spread rate. Urea based fertilizer with Potassium for Fall applications and for instances where soil test potassium is a limiting factor affecting turfgrass quality. Granular
Regalkade® G
Granular pre-emergent herbicide for landscape beds and container-grown ornamentals to prevent broadleaf and grassy weeds for excellent summer weed control. Granular
RegalStar® G
The best granular applied pre-emergent herbicide for control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass, landscape, container, and field grown ornamentals. Granular
RegalStar® II 22-0-11 100% BlueChip™
The best granular applied pre-emergent herbicide. Formulated to apply 2.0 lbs. A.I. Oxadiason and 0.4 lbs. A.I. Prodiamine at a 200 lb./Acre spread rate. Nitrogen suppled 100% from BlueChip. Formulated to be applied at 200 lb./Acre and supply 1 lb. N and 0.5 lb. K in instances where a soil test shows that K will become a limiting factor affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular
RegalStar® II 30-0-0 100% BlueChip™
The best granular applied pre-emergent herbicide. Formulated to apply 2.0 lbs. A.I. Oxadiazon and 0.4 lbs. A.I. Prodiamine at a 200 lb./Acre spread rate. Nitrogen supplied 100% from BlueChip. Nitrogen release from microbial activity matches the growth curve and nutrient requirement of turfgrass. Granular
RegalStar® II 38-0-0 100% BlueChip™
The best granular applied pre-emergent herbicide. Formulated to apply 2.0 lbs. A.I. Oxadiazon and 0.4 lbs. A.I. Prodiamine at a 200 lb./Acre spread rate. 100% BlueChip Nitrogen. Nitrogen release from microbial activity matches the growth curve and nutrient requirement of turfgrass. Granular