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Showing 409–414 of 414 results

  • Vexis®

    Granular formulation that delivers exceptional control of sedge and kyllinga species, plus listed broadleaf weeds. Granular

  • Viro Fense™

    Hand sanitizer and surface cleaner in one.

  • Xonerate® 2SC

    A selective, post-emergent herbicide that may be used for the control of certain weeds, including Poa annua, in turf on golf courses and other turf areas and conifers in nurseries and field plantings (including Christmas trees). Liquid

  • Xxpire®

    XXpire® insecticide combines two active ingredients – sulfoxaflor and spinetoram – to control more than 39 insects, including seven of the top 10 chewing and sap-feeding insects in greenhouses and nurseries Liquid

  • Xzemplar®

    Xzemplar fungicide provides excellent curative and preventive control of dollar spot, brown patch, and other key turfgrass diseases. Liquid

  • Zerotol®

    Fungicide, Bactericide, and Algaecide treatment for the prevention and suppression/control of horticultural diseases in greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, and nurseries. Liquid