All Products

Showing 373–384 of 414 results

  • Tebuconazole

    Excellent preventative and curative control on a broad-spectrum of disease pathogens. Rapid uptake in turf provides up to three weeks of residual disease control. Liquid

  • Tekken®

    Broad spectrum fungicide with two modes of action to deliver control of 21 diseases including Anthracnose, dollar spot, and brown patch. Liquid

  • Tenacity

    Pre- and post-emergent control of more than 46 broadleaf and grassy weeds, including crabgrass, ground ivy, yellow foxtail, yellow nutsedge and bentgrass.

  • Tenant

    Plant health product that when applied to the soil it helps a plant’s root system repel and/or resist nematodes. Liquid

  • Tengard® SFR

    For use as an insecticide on ornamentals grown in interiorscapes, for perimeter insect control on lawns, ornamental trees and shrubs around residential, commercial, and other labeled areas. Liquid

  • Tension Aid® Liquid

    Turf wetting agent to improve water penetration for golf course greens and fairways. Recommended as a preventive program to aid against localized dry spot. Liquid

  • Terrazole® L

    An effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of damping-off, root rot and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora species in Turf and Ornamentals. and golf course tees and greens. Liquid

  • Tetrasan® 5 WDG

    Miticide/Ovicide for use on ornamental plants grown in greenhouses and nurseries and outdoor ornamental plants in landscapes. Controls spider mites on underside of leaves even when it’s difficult to get good under leaf coverage. WDG

  • Tetrino™ Insecticide

    This game-changing technology features tetraniliprole as its active ingredient to control a wide range of turf-damaging insects such as white grubs, annual bluegrass weevils, caterpillars, billbugs and chinch bugs. Liquid

  • Tide Paclo 2SC

    Systemic plant growth regulator that slows vegetative growth of turfgrass and trees. Liquid

  • Todal

    For control of turf-parasitic nematodes on golf course greens, tees, and fairways. Liquid

  • Tokken™ SC

    For on-contact disease control, Token™ SC delivers fast-acting, trusted performance against major turf diseases. Token SC effectively controls certain foliar, stem, and root diseases in turfgrass areas including golf courses, commercial and residential lawns, sod farms, sports fields, parks, and more. Liquid