All Products

Showing 337–348 of 414 results

  • Serata™

    This ground - breaking class of chemistry provides control of key Pythium diseases commonly found in warm - and cool - season turf grasses, including pythium root rot, pythium root dysfunction, pythium blight and pythium damping off. WDG

  • Sertay™

    A selective herbicide for control of annual and perennial sedge, grasses, and broadleaf weeds in highly managed turf, ornamental, and native grass sites. WDG

  • Shuttle® O

    Shuttle O miticide is the first product from the naphthoquinone derivative class of chemistry. Shuttle O is an excellent choice as a rotational tool for control of two-spotted spider mites, spruce spider mites, and other mites. Liquid

  • Signature™ Xtra Stressgard®

    A plant health promoting systemic fungicide that alleviates stress from both abiotic and biotic sources. WDG

  • Sim-Trol® 4L

    Pre-emergent herbicide for effective control of a wide variety of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds when used at selective rates in turfgrass, agricultural crops, and ornamental plantings. Liquid

  • Solace™

    Reduces the growth of warm and cool season turfgrasses and thereby helps reduce clipping yield and mowing frequency. Liquid

  • Solitare®

    For selective weed control in turf including residential, commercial and institutional lawns, athletic fields, commercial sod farms, golf course fairways and roughs, and other non-crop sites.

  • Solitare® WSL

    Solitare WSL herbicide contains sulfentrazone and quinclorac in a water soluble liquid (WSL), the most complete combination against post-emergece weeds such as Crabgrass. Solitare WSL can be applied on both warm and cool season grasses for flexible control. Liquid

  • Soluble Muriate of Potash 0-0-62

    Sprayable fertilizer for liquid applications.

  • Sonar® RTU

    Sonar™ RTU is a ready-to-use formula that controls most troublesome pond weeds including Duckweed. No mixing, no need for spray equipment or a boat—simply apply directly into the water from the shoreline. Liquid

  • SonarOne®

    Pellet formulation of fluridone herbicide for management of aquatic vegetation in fresh water ponds, lakes, reservoirs, potable water sources, drainage canals, and rivers. Granular

  • Specticle® Flo

    Pre-emergent herbicide for the control of annual grasses, annual sedges, and annual broadleaf weeds in warm-season turfgrass, landscape ornamentals, and hardscapes. Liquid