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Showing 325–336 of 414 results

  • Ronstar® Flo

    Preemergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in turf and ornamentals including landscape ornamental beds on residential properties. Not for use in turfgrass on residential properties. Liquid

  • Ronstar® on Fertilizer

    Preemergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in turf and ornamentals including landscape ornamental beds on residential properties. Not for use in turfgrass on residential properties. Application rates vary based on formulation and desired length of control. Granular

  • Roundup QuikPRO SC

    Provides non-selective control of emerged and pre-emerged grasses and broadleaf weeds in non-crop areas, hardscapes, landscape ornamental beds, and government sites. Liquid

  • Rycar®

    Insecticide for indoor greenhouse use on ornamental plants. Fits great into an IPM program looking to diversify spray rotations and reduce the risk of resistance. Liquid

  • Safari® 20 SG

    Foliar and systemic insect control in ornamental plants and vegetable transplants in enclosed structures. For greenhouse, nursery, interior plantscape and outdoor landscape use only.

  • Sarisa ™

    Provides quick knockdown (48 hours) of target pests with residual control of 3 to 4 weeks on thrips, caterpillars, and beetles (including flea and Japanese beetles), along with other sucking and chewing insects. Liquid

  • Scion®

    Scion® Insecticide with UVX™ Technology is engineered to effectively control the toughest pests: it maintains continuous residual up to 90 days even when faced with harsh surfaces, high temperatures and intense sunlight. These features make Scion® ideal for long service intervals when treating for tough insect and arachnid pests, or in areas that face extreme conditions. Liquid

  • SeClear

    SeClear algaecide and water quality enhancer in one designed to replace routine algaecide treatments. Delivering longer-lasting results, improved water quality and reduced maintenance through time. Seclear provides effective control of a broad-range of algae epecies while reducing in-water phosphorous levels with each application. Liquid

  • Secure Action

    Secure Action fungicide includes a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl(ASM), to better prevent and quickly recover from biotic and abiotic stress. Liquid

  • Sedgehammer

    Selective post-emergent herbicide for control of listed weeds, including both broadleaf weeds and nutsedge, in turfgrasses and other non-crop sites.

  • Sedgemaster

    Selective post-emergent herbicide for control of listed weeds, including both broadleaf weeds and nutsedge, in turfgrasses and other non-crop sites.

  • Segway®

    Delivers consistent and rapid control of Pythium root dysfunction, Pythium blight, and Pythium damping-off. The active ingredient of Segway, cyazofamid, has a unique mode of action that preventatively inhibits all stages of Pythium development. Liquid