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Showing 253–264 of 414 results

  • Regal Fertilizer 11-22-22

    Cost-effective starter fertilizer driven by Urea. Also suitable for situations where soil tests indicate that P and K are limiting factors affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 13-2-7 with Minors Amend Blend

    Methylene Urea Nitrogen bolstered by biosolids and micronutrients for surface turf fertility/recovery applications, and turf replacement/establishment applications. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 13-8-12 with Minors Grow-In & Sod Blend

    This “Grow-In & Sod” blend offers a complete nutrient analysis with both quick and slowly available Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, as well as added Sulfur, Magnesium, Iron and Manganese to help promote young plants. Milorganite® used as the filler to provide biosolids to improve establishment. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 16-4-8 with Minors

    NPK blend with Urea for increased growth and recovery along with incremental P, K and minor nutrients for instances where those nutrients may become limiting factors affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 18-24-12 50% PCU

    PCU driven complete fertilizer blend for improved Nitrogen uptake efficiency and additional P and K. Suitable as a starter fertilizer at seeding/sprigging/sodding or for instances where soil test indicates that addition of P and K will improve turfgrass quality. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 22-0-11 50% BlueChip™

    BlueChip driven blend with 50% quick N from Urea and 50% slow N from BlueChip. Formulated to be applied at 200 lb./Acre and supply 1 lb. N and 0.5 lb. K. Ideal product for when upfront kick and extended feeding is desired and soil test shows that K will become a limiting factor affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 22-5-5 50% BlueChip™

    BlueChip driven blend with Urea for quick greening and growth. Formulated to be applied at 200 lb./Acre and supply 1 lb. N and 0.2 lb. P/Acre and 0.2 lb. K/Acre. Ideal product to use where a soil test shows that P and K will become limiting factors affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 23-0-0 50% MU

    Methylene Urea/Urea blend for maximum growth, recovery, and residual greening of turfgrass. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 23-3-5 50% PCU

    NPK blend with PCU for improved Nitrogen uptake efficiency and incremental P and K for instances where those nutrients may become limiting factors affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 30-0-0 30% PCU

    High Nitrogen blend with enough PCU to improve spreadability and reduce burn potential Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 32-3-12 50% PCU

    High Nitrogen NPK blend with PCU for improved Nitrogen uptake efficiency and incremental P and additional K for instances where those nutrients, especially Potassium may become limiting factors affecting acceptable turfgrass quality. Granular

  • Regal Fertilizer 33-0-0 75% PCU

    High Nitrogen blend driven by PCU with enough Urea to hasten growth after application, and controlled release PCU to improve Nitrogen uptake efficiency and reduce waste. Granular