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Showing 217–228 of 414 results

  • OxyStar® 2E

    A selective herbicide used for pre- and post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds. Liquid

  • Pac O

    Extremely active plant growth regulator that can significantly curtail unwanted plant growth through reduced internode elongation. Liquid

  • Pageant®

    Pageant Intrinsic brand fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide combining two fast-acting active ingredients, boscalid and pyraclostrobin, into one product that offers more control on more diseases than any other currently registered fungicide for nurseries and landscapes. WDG

  • PBS 150 Granular®

    A long-term surfactant utilizing a unique multi-branched molecular construction to address the source of performance loss – biodegradation of the surfactant molecule by soil microbes. Granular

  • PBS 150 Liquid®

    A long-term surfactant utilizing a unique multi-branched molecular construction to address the source of performance loss – biodegradation of the surfactant molecule by soil microbes. Liquid

  • Pedestal®

    Is an insect growth regulator (IGR) effective in the control of a variety of insect pests on container-grown ornamental plants, including tomatoes grown in greenhouses. Liquid

  • Pedigree SC

    Systemic fungicide delivering disease control of brown patch, brown ring patch, fairy ring, red thread, pink patch, yellow patch, gray snow mold, large patch, and leaf and sheath spot on turf. Liquid

  • Pendant SC

    Pendant SC is powered by the active ingredient, fludioxonil. This fungicide delivers reliable, broad-spectrum control of several key turf diseases including brown patch, anthracnose, summer patch, and many more. Liquid

  • Pendulum® AquaCap

    Pendulum AquaCap herbicide offers preemergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in a liquid formulation, including crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass, fall panicum, chickweed, henbit, knotweed, spurge and others. Liquid

  • Pennant Magnum

    Pennant Magnum prevents germination of more than 20 weeds, including goosegrass, yellow nutsedge, smooth crabgrass and large crabgrass. Liquid

  • Pillar® SC

    Introducing best-in-class turf science formulated for lawn care. Pillar SC Intrinsic brand fungicide is a fast-acting, dual-active liquid formulation that delivers broad-spectrum control of up to 26 cool- and warm-season turf diseases, including brown patch, dollar spot, leaf spots and large patch on all turf types with one easy use rate. Liquid

  • Piston™

    Insecticide for broad-spectrum control of tough greenhouse pests. For use only on fruiting vegetables and ornamental crops grown in commercial greenhouses. Liquid