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Showing 181–192 of 414 results

  • Magnesium Sulfate

    Sprayable formulation to correct magnesium deficiencies. Granular

  • Mainspring GNL

    Protects against key chewing and sucking pests, such as thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars, leafminers, leaf-feeding beetles, soft scales and lacebugs. Liquid

  • Manuscript

    Control mature, grassy weeds in certain warm-season grasses on golf courses, residential and commercial lawns, sod farms and sports turf. Liquid

  • Manzate® Max T&O

    Manzate T&O Fungicide provides multi-site, broad-spectrum disease control for superior control of key diseases in turfgrass, sod farms, and ornamentals. Granular

  • Manzate® Prostick T&O

    Manzate T&O Fungicide provides multi-site, broad-spectrum disease control for superior control of key diseases in turfgrass, sod farms, and ornamentals. WDG

  • Maxigreen II®

    MaxiGreen II is a micronutrient blend that aids in chlorophyll production for better color and plant vigor. When applied to either plant foliage or watered into the soil, plant color improves within hours. Liquid

  • Maxtima®

    Maxtima fungicide is a cutting-edge new DMI that can safely and affordably be sprayed at any temperature, on any turf variety. It's cost-effective for fairways and can be used anywhere on your course on any turf to help ensure disease-free playing conditions all year long. Liquid

  • Medallion SC

    Quickly targets pathogen spores to stop germination of key diseases, including snow mold, anthracnose, bermudagrass leaf spot and bentgrass dead spot. Liquid

  • Mefenoxam 2 AQ

    Systemic fungicide for use on turfgrass and ornamentals effective control of Pythium blight, Phytophthora root rot, yellow tuft, downy mildew and damping off. Liquid

  • Meridian 25WG

    Preventive and curative control of grubs, chinch bugs, ants and more with a wide window for watering-in.

  • Metricor™ DF

    For control of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in established bermudagrass turf. Dry Flowable

  • Metsulfuron

    Controls perennial grasses and labeled broadleaf weeds in most warm- and some cool-season turfgrasses. Liquid