All Products

Showing 157–168 of 414 results

  • Hydra 30 Plus™

    Soil surfactant with a vitamin package to restore uniform hydration throughout the root zone and aid turf in combating stress and speeding up recovery. Liquid

  • Imidacloprid 0.5G

    A broad spectrum systemic granular insecticide for insect control in turfgrass and landscape ornamentals. Granular

  • Imidacloprid 2F T&O

    For control of listed insect pests on turf and ornamentals, nurseries, and greenhouses. Liquid

  • Indemnify®

    Broad-spectrum control of nematodes for enhanced root growth in the presence of plant pathogenic nematodes. For use on most turfgrass areas. Liquid

  • Insignia® SC

    Insignia SC Intrinsic brand fungicide offers long-lasting, broad-spectrum control of turfgrass diseases for up to 28 days. Liquid

  • Instrata

    Instrata is the industry-standard for snow mold control that is assured for 130 days under snow cover. Liquid

  • Interface® Stressgard®

    A fungicide for the enhancement of greener and more dense turfgrass and for the protection against stress and for the prevention and control of certain diseases of turfgrass. Liquid

  • Jacto CD400 Backpack Sprayer (4 GAL)

  • K-TEA

    Chelated copper for aquatic algae control. Liquid

  • Kabuto®

    Kabuto Fungicide SC is a fungicide with preventative, systemic and curative properties for the control of dollar spot and spring dead spot on turfgrasses. Liquid

  • Kalida™

    Kalida Fungicide combines the active ingredients fluindapyr (a novel SDHI) and flutriafol (next-generation DMI) into a powerful duo. With proven turf safety and dual modes of action, Kalida Fungicide can tackle Bipolaris Leaf Spot, Take-All Root Rot, Large Patch and other labeled diseases in a variety of warm-season turfgrasses and Anthracnose, Fairy Ring, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch and other labeled diseases in cool-season turfgrasses. Liquid

  • Karma™

    Systemic fungicide that prevents and cures many Pythium diseases, including damping-off, cottony blight, grease spot, and root rot. Liquid