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Showing 133–144 of 414 results

  • Foam-X

    10% concentrate silicone defoamer to control excess foam in spray solutions. Liquid

  • Fomalot-T Foam Marker

    Concentrate foam solution for turf foam markers. Liquid

  • Fortress®

    A Pre-emergent granular herbicide for control of grassy and broadleaf weeds in nursery containers and field grown ornamentals. Fortress produces virtually no dust and low odor, resulting in improved worker safety and ease of application. Granular

  • Fosetyl-Al

    Systemic mode of action providing long-lasting, broad-spectrum preventative control of diseases such as Pythium and Phytophthora in turf, ornamentals, bedding plants, and conifer nurseries. WDG

  • FreeHand® 1.75G

    FreeHand 1.75G herbicide the perfect tool for preemergent weed control of annual grasses, susceptible sedge species and many small-seeded broadleaf weeds. Granular

  • Fuerte™

    Fuerte is a pre-emergent granular herbicide for control of weeds in field, container, and landscape ornamentals, grounds maintenance, and non-cropland areas. Also for Christmas tree farms and conifer farms and other non-crop areas. Granular

  • Fusilade II T & O

    A selective post emergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Liquid

  • FWY ISP™

    Cost-effective formulation of soil wetting agents designed to enhance the penetration and infiltration of applied water through irrigation systems. Liquid

  • Gallery® 75 DF

    Pre-emergent herbicide for control of certain broadleaf weeds in turf, landscape ornamentals, container and field-grown ornamentals, ground covers, ornamental bulbs, and conifer plantations.

  • Gallery® SC

    Gallery® specialty herbicide provides superior preemergence broadleaf weed control with best-in-class ornamental and turf safety. Not only does Gallery minimize hand-weeding in landscape ornamentals and established turfgrass, but also can be used on field-grown ornamentals and on roadsides. Liquid

  • Game On™

    For postemergence control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in established turfgrass and ornamental grasses in golf courses, industrial sites, cemeteries, commercial sod farms, and unimproved turfgrass areas. Liquid

  • Generesponder All-N-One

    Plant health product which promotes a plants natural defense system to increase overall plant health and pest tolerance. Liquid